Part 54: Cleopatra Jones and the Odd DLC Quest
Cleopatra Jones and the Odd DLC QuestWelcome back! Last time we rained fire down upon the servants of the Overlord and completely shattered the balance of power on Terratus. Today we're going to finish what the Scarlet Chorus started.

These are a little out of order as I had to restart the recording session after failing to talk to our buddy Bleden Mark. Apologies!

Barik, why the FUCK would we do that?

You actually can get Ashe to submit on the Disfavored route. Maybe we'll even see it!

That Edict broke more than the Scarlet Chorus, it seems.

Barik, the man literally ruined your life after getting all your friends killed to rescue a daughter who very much did not want to be rescued!

Barik! No! Snap out of it!
TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
: Nothing makes sense! When I am confused, I blindly follow Graven Ashe. You should too!
: No, he will bow to me or die.
How to proceed with the quest?

Verse is up next.

Unfortunately, I forgot she had the helmet enabled. I turn it off in the next area, but the deed is done.

Translation: Verse is trying to quench her anger with violence, and only making it worse.

The idea with Verse's quest is that she's secretly terrified of becoming a real monster.

TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
: Dammit. Fatebinder, I keep resorting to violence to fix my anger and I keep getting more anger and trauma! Now I hear the voices of my sisters
: The Voices of Nerat?
: Yes! I don't want to become a monster like him, what should I do?
: Do what you can to stay human.
: How? Literally every powerful person I know is some kind of inhuman - you cast an Edict, Graven Ashe is a weird blue man, and Tunon is a walking shadow hiding behind a mask. I don't think I can. Anyway, can we visit Essa? Some weird shit is going on down there!
: Sure.
: Yay!
Now we turn to Lantry. Lantry's quest is called "Annal Sects". I am not expecting anything good out of this, and I think it's telling no one in the thread voted to do his sidequest. Lantry is a cool character, but everything to do with that fake history was garbage.

This is a very good point, seeing as Kyros controls all of history and executes people for seeking the truth.

Now this is interesting. We can infer that Kills-in-Shadow is accurate here from what we know about antelope - they're prey herbivores that aren't sapient, whereas Lantry is comparing them to fictional Beastmen. Going off of that it's not hard to guess that Kyros is just taking credit for the Silverback tribe's achievements - after all, if the Overlord can wipe out entire species, how dare you stand against her? If the Silverback tribe can wipe out a species, perhaps they could fight Kyros. Calio is very clear that we should not listen to superstitions when she's trying to help us blend in.

Presumably the Shadowhunter tribe had an oral tradition that preserved this, while the Sages were literally digging through the wreckage left by Kyros. How distorted it is, we will never know.

All of the 'loyal to the Overlord' options are added by the DLC for...reasons we'll get into. I'm not a fan.

Oh, dammit.

I think the idea is that these are the last historical records that remain that Lantry can shape into something less terrible? It's really weird, because we have the Silent Archive - that contains everything the Sages ever wrote - and an Archon's lifespan to decipher it. Oh well!

Sirin, that's very rude!

I'm not in a hurry to do this one.
TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
: Aww, yiss! Sexy ladies are going to be all "oh Lantry, did you know the Archon" and I will be able to tell them that I did and then it's NAKED TIME! Anyway, you've probably got the Overlord's personal attention now, being the only other person to cast an Edict.
: Are we sure Kyros didn't just erase other Edict casters from history?
: Hmmm....
: When did Kyros first cast an Edict, anyway?
: So, some people think it was the Edict of Dust that killed all the antelopes, but it was most likely the year 0 when Kyros hit the Cloud Barons with the Edict of Storms.
: What's an antelope?
: It's an animal kind of like a Beastman, but they were all killed in the Edict of Dust.
: Uh, no, here is an accurate description of an antelope, they were not like Beastwomen, and they were wiped out by the Silverback Tribe.
: ...huh. So, want to finish up my stupid fake history sidequest? I need to stop by my house to get a book.
: You have a house?
: Yeah, nobody wanted me around so...
: It's cuz you're fuckin boring!
: Sure, why not.
Anyway, it's time to talk to our main man Bleden Mark.

What's up?

Mark, I cannot remember the last time we used stealth in this LP.

Oh. Oh wow. This, incidentally, is the only way to get the Edict of Nightfall, and it's the second-to-last one.

Huh. He did straight up say he was going to use us, after all.

He's not wrong! He could have tried to kill us at any time to stop this madness, and yet he just gave us another Edict as a show of good faith. It's also the Edict he's personally immune to, because Bleden Mark is a smart bastard.

This is the only route where you don't fight Bleden Mark at the end of the game. I'm not throwing that away now. Don't worry, we will have plenty of opportunities to do the Bleden Mark battle in the next playthrough.

This is serious enough that we don't get our customary exposition session.
TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
: Nice Edict. Anyway, here's another Edict. It blots out the sun in an area, you can cast it, oh, and by the way, I thrive in the environment it creates so if we need to gank somebody we can combine our powers. Everyone's out to get you.
: Should I be worried?
: Nah, I recruited you onto my team a long time ago. We're in this together.
: Can...can it be... my team?
: Fiiiiiine.
: Yaaaaay! Seriously, what do I need to do to get you to forsake Tunon?
: Kill Ashe and Nerat. Then we can deal with Tunon together if necessary, but if you confront Tunon now, I'll be forced to fight you. Take care.
So, Bleden Mark is still getting what he wants out of this. He wants us to kill Ashe and Nerat because they're "festering problems", but for who? "Everyone" is a valid answer, but is he speaking for Kyros? Himself? Cleopatra's future supporters? One thing's for sure, they're isolated and alone without any friends.
As for why Mark will fight us if we confront Tunon, he wants proof we can actually take on an Archon. No one likes Ashe and Nerat and they're going to die alone. Tunon - and the law - is a powerful opponent that virtually no Archon can take on. I mentioned in the postmortem that the law is extremely lax toward Archons - but if Tunon can get a conviction on an Archon, death is certain. We won't be seeing that this route.

Verse has more chatter about the Edict.

TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
: That Edict was dumb, but it was also AWESOME!!!

There was some question in the thread about Sirin's side quest. Well, here's the result!

You can be a real dick to poor Sirin, geez.

TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
: You ok, Sirin?
: Uh huh. I just decoded the music, and it...I still can't break out of this helmet....
: Well, you learned a new really powerful song, right? The Tiers will shake!
: Not just the Tiers, the world! Thanks, Archon, I'll help you forever!

This upgrades Sirin's helmet to an artifact!

Ignore the sudden background change, it's from the previous deleted session.

Barik, meanwhile, is troubled about the Edict.

That's not helpful at all!

TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
: Ooooooooh! You cast an Edict! Kyros is gonna be maaaaaad!
: So what do I do about it?
: Fuck if I know.

We get to Essa's house only to learn that it's been burned down.

Click around...

Basically you click all the magnifying glasses - one is that iron weapons were used to pry the door, the house was burned with magefire, there are tracks leading away, and the assailants fought each other showing it was the Scarlet Chorus. I'm summing this up in the interest of not transcribing it. Skipping ahead!

That describes the Fatebinder Order to a tee.

Earlier in the game posted:
Krokus is a lying sack of crap and we killed him.

It's a metaphor for the DLC.

TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
: They killed Essa! THOSE BASTARDS!
: We'll get them!
: Yes. Now, player, I need you to click on all the icons. Thanks, player! I suddenly deduced that this is Catorius the maybe-cannibal fire mage, and he's at Fort Squander. Don't question it. Let's goooooo!

Fort Squander is incredibly tedious.

What's this?

That's... probably bad! It's like we unleashed a flood of crazy new ideas by overturning the world order, or something!
Inquiring further leads us to this:

I guess we just... control Apex somehow? Sure.

I try to lure the Bane away.

The problem is that we can only lure it to the existing areas and screw over the Stonestalkers or the Unbroken or Lethian's Crossing. That kind of sucks, so I ask the Tunon gang for help.

Calio offered to join us anyway.

Tunon's not happy about this, but we're not quite to Wrath 1. Yet. On to Fort Boring!

The "scrubs" line sounds less like a ferocious Bronze Age berserker and more like a videogame playing DLC intern. As far as I can tell, it is an archaic insult referring to a talentless person that originated in America. Still...

TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
: It's time to PvP some scrubs and noobs! Come on, Fatebinder!!!!!

The fortress, is, of course, full of scrubs. It's conveniently in a spiral centered on Catorius to waste our time with trash mobs. Let's skip to the main event, shall we?

Jesus this is clunky. We don't need all these hand movements described, we can infer what is going on from the dialogue!

Per the wiki, Catorius here is always bugged to believe you spared Krokus. We killed him.

For all his faults, he does care about Verse.

The purpose of the Chorus name is to break down one's identity to better subsume them into the Chorus, so good on him I guess.

Tunon would have a field day!

I do like that the DLC gives us concrete confirmation that Nerat was sabotaging the suppression effort the entire time.

You know, the more I think about it, the less sense the party that ambushed Verse makes. Irissa was a resistance fighter, Krokus was apparently in league with Disfavored spies... I assume they all joined Nerat for some reason, but what a mess.

We...could break her out. Cleo has the personal firepower of the Edict, forbidden Oldwalls magic, and an entire country paying her taxes. I think we could make this work.

Dammit, Verse.
TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
: Evening, ladies. How goes it?
: You killed my sisters! You must die!
: You're not going to ask why I'm in the middle of a Chorus camp as a Blood Chanter despite murdering all those Scarlet Furies?
: What are you talking about?
: I work for... Nerat! He wanted Verse to watch as we killed her sisters, but we took one alive and ransomed him to Nerat. I didn't like doing it, but Nerat has my muscle wife, and if I don't comply he'll kill her. Incidentally, did you know I helped plan the rebellion on Nerat's orders?
: She's dead, you liar!
: Nerat told me if you figured out the truth to bring you along. All the trash mobs have returned!
: I could just... kill Nerat for you and free your wife. Verse, what do you think?

So, Catorius has some powerful spells. This is the AoE confuse from Illusion, but he also has the Scorching Missiles meteor spell that Cleopatra loves so much.

I'm not gonna sugarcoat this. This fort is extremely boring. It's full of killable Chorus trash mobs and unexciting loot. I'm cutting out the escape because it's just an exercise in tedium.

Verse speaks for the player here when they're subjected to more Tyranny combat. Even with our turbomagic these guys are just boring ass sacks of HP that do nothing and require a fair amount of grinding.

TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
: Fuck all you assholes! Everything's so complicated now! I used to just do whatever Nerat told me to, but now that's not working! I didn't think I was strong enough to make my own decisions? Eh, lol, whatever.
Verse continues to doubt whether she's on the right path and whether she's becoming a monster. In her defense, Catorius did a ton of awful things to save his wife, she's hardly attacking the innocent. To complete the quest, we need to go back to the Mountain Spire.

This is what the Edict of Nightfall does, incidentally. I don't cast it because that's a fair chunk of our power bar, and we might need it later.

At first I was tempted to write this quest off as the game going up its ass with psychic mindbending crap.

Then I realized that the thing with the sisters and their echoes is just window dressing.

Catorius, Irissa, and Krokus did what they did because the Voices wanted Verse to endure the trauma of losing her family, as he did.
Earlier in the game posted:

The irony is that Verse worked her way up from the bottom, whereas Nerat was rewarded for selling out his family. This entire quest is just Nerat trying to bring Verse down to his level because he's a loser.

TheGreatEvilKing summary posted:
: This is confusing! I'm getting the shit gaslit out of me by the Voices! He's not an immortal monster who can't die and who can take over my head... is he?
: Nah, just stay yourself.
: Uh...ok....

I know people having been waiting this entire thread for this. We're going to go to Nerat's base and shove his face in.